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Friday, February 15, 2013

Lakonan Hebat Pencacai Umno Terbongkar.. Saksikanlah!!

Kantoi!! Pencacai Umno Melaka yang terdiri dari penjilat Ali Rustam terkantoi lagi. Menyamar sebagai ahli PAS dan berdemo di masjid Selat adalah lawak yang hebat.

Sudahlah gaya pun takde macam ahli PAS, buat demo di masjid yang terpencil. Di hadiri tak sampai sedozen penyokong. Lawak hebat dari pencacai Ali Rustam.

Buat pencacai-pencacai.. lain kali nak buat demo biarlah nampak real baru lah orang percaya. Untuk makluman pencacai, dari maklumat Addin terima.. tiada arahan demo oleh pimpinan PAS Melaka kepada ahli-ahlinya untuk buat demo.

So.. confirmlah!! yang buat demo ni adalah pencacai Umno..

Tanah: 50 tahun tunggu janji BN, akhirnya PR tunaikan

SEPANG: Penduduk Kampung Datuk Abu Bakar Baginda akhirnya mampu menarik nafas lega apabila penantian selama lebih 50 tahun untuk memiliki tanah yang didiami selama ini tercapai.

Usaha memiliki tanah yang menempatkan kediaman 15 keluarga di kampung tersebut mula diusahakan sejak 50 tahun lalu oleh generasi sebelum ini.

Bagaimanapun menurut penduduk yang ditemui selepas majlis penyerahan Borang 5A hari ini, usaha mereka sebelum ini tidak dilayan Kerajaan Negeri yang diterajui Umno-BN.
“Lama hingga dah tiga YB dari BN bertukar, sekarang lega, memang itu yang saya tunggu-tunggu.
“Lebih 50 tahun cuba usahakan, tapi bila kita kemukakan tiada apa-apa jawapan,” ujar Hussin Ahmad (gambar), 71 tahun dengan nada sebak kepada TV Selangor.

Beliau yang mengaku sebelum ini merupakan ahli Umno turut berkata beliau akan memberikan sokongan kepada Kerajaan Negeri yang ada sekarang dalam pilihan raya akan datang.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Video yang menyakitkan hati Najib dan macainya pula tersebar!!.. Saksikan!!

Perlu diingatkan disini bahawa rakyat Pulau Pinang yang di anggap sebagai cerdik oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam video ini ialah rakyat Pulau Pinang yang menolak Najib dan Barisan Nasional secara terbuka baru-baru ini..

Oleh itu ianya tidak termasuk rakyat Pulau Pinang yang menyokong kepimpinan Najib dan Barisan Nasional..

Dipermudahkan.. Kalau Anwar Ibrahim anggap yang menolak Najib dan BN itu cerdik.. yang menyokongnya pula sudah tentulah kurang cerdik.... he..he...


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fakta Mengenai Air di Kelantan

Video ini memberi penjelasan tentang masalah air di Negeri Kelantan. Harap disebarkan untuk makluman anok beranok kito di Kelate nuh. :)
Bagaimana Kerajaan Pusat melayan Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan dalam isu air :
  1. Menyekat peruntukan bermula tahun 1990 (Sejurus kemenangan PAS) hingga 2001 
  2. Dalam keadaan Negeri lain menerima peruntukan secara percuma, Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan diberikan pinjaman sebanyak RM600 juta yang didakwa oleh pemimpin UMNO sebagai pemberian percuma !
  3. Adakah mencukupi RM600 juta utk cover 13 tahun ? 

Makcik Felda tau ka berita PANAS neh...

UMNO tolak hudud sebelum PAS kerjasama dengan DAP.

Kepada orang Melayu, Umno berkata PAS ialah kuda tunggangan DAP. Kepada orang Cina pula, MCA berkata DAP ialah kuda tunggangan PAS.

Inilah politik tidak beretika dimana amalannya ialah 'lain kenyataan kepada lain kaum' dengan tujuan untuk memperdayakan semua lapisan masyarakat. Strategi ini juga boleh digelar sebagai 'strategi pecah dan perintah' supaya masyarakat jangan bersatu untuk menolak BN.

Dalam pilihanraya umum tahun 1999, ramai orang Melayu telah menolak BN tetapi undi Cina dan undi dari masyarakat India telah menyelamatkan BN.

Hakikatnya, Umno telah menjadi kuda tunggangan MCA dan pada pilihanraya umum tahun 2008, undi Melayu telah menyelamatkan MCA ketika MCA telah ditolak oleh masyarakat Cina. Jika bukan kerana undi Melayu pada masa itu, MCA pun telah dikuburkan. Umno juga memerlukan undi Cina untuk membantunya mengekalkan kuasa seperti yang telah berlaku pada tahun 1999.

Isu kuda tunggangan ini dibangkitkan oleh BN padahal BN yang pandai menggunakan kuda tunggangan.

Bagi pihak Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pula, para pemimpin dan penyokongnya akan sama-sama menunggang kuda ke Putrajaya. Sudah tidak jauh lagi, hanya tinggal 50km sahaja ke pintu gerbang utama. Kuda pun masih penuh bertenaga. Dijangka kita akan tiba pada awal bulan April 2013 yang diharap akan menjadi tarikh yang bersejarah nanti.

Semoga Tuhan akan mengurniakan kepada kita kebijaksanaan dan kekuatan yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi segala cabaran dalam usaha kita melawan kezaliman.

Aliran Wang Haram [Illicit Financial Flows]

Apakah kaitan Aliran Wang Haram


  1. Isu-isu makroekonomi sesebuah negara yang bersabit rapat dengan persepsi rasuah dan berleluasanya rasuah;
  2. Saiz ekonomi haram dari kegiatan-kegiatan haram seperti kongsi gelap, perjudian tanpa lesen dan lain-lain; dan
  3. Penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang lemah oleh institusi yang dipertanggungjawabkan menyebabkan tiadanya disiplin tata kelola pentadbiran ekonomi yang baik

Hantu ... Mesti tonton

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lung Infection Symptoms

There are various causes that can give rise to lung infections causing pain and discomfort, thereby also affecting our day-to-day lives. If neglected, lung infections may pose severe complications. The condition may be experienced due to the presence of microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses, or fungi in the lungs.

Given below is an overview of the signs and symptoms of lung infection caused by various microbial agents along with certain helpful remedies to stub the root of the infection.

What Is a Lung Infection?

☛ Lung infection is generally referred to as lower respiratory tract infection. This term is synonymous with pneumonia. Lung infections tend to make the individual feel extremely weak, straining the patient's overall health as well. There are two types of infections of the lungs: (1) Chronic; and (2) Acute. The most common infections of the lungs include pneumonia and bronchitis.

When one develops bronchitis, it can be in an acute form occurring due to a bacterial, or viral infection. It is mostly a viral infection, and hence, antibiotic therapy is not of much use. Pneumonia, on the other hand, can occur due to a variety of factors. It can either be community-acquired infection, or a nosocomial infection. It, generally affects immunocompromised individuals, like children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc. The main causative agent of pneumonia is the bacterium called Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Predominant Symptoms

☛ Bacterial Lung Infection
This infection is caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) -- a strain of Staphylococcus bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics. It is very common in patients, who are hospitalized. The most commonly observed symptom of bacterial lung infection is inflammation. In the affected region, the local cells release histamine, which gives rise to inflammation. This can further cause production of mucus, increase in the flow of blood, and swelling, too. Irritation of the skin is also one of the symptoms of bacterial lung infection.

MRSA lung infection causes the skin to appear dry, red, irritated, swollen, and itchy. Some people might also suffer from skin infection where pimple-like bumps filled with pus may appear on the skin. It is contagious and can spread through skin contact. Along with the symptoms mentioned above, one might also suffer from chills, fever, and cough. Shortness of breath, fatigue, and body ache is also experienced by people suffering from the condition. In severe cases, individuals may suffer from urinary tract infection as well.

☛ Viral Lung Infection
Some commonly observed, not-so-severe symptoms of viral lung infection are cough, runny nose, sore throat, mild fever, and in rare cases, ear infection. Labored breathing, dehydration, and wheezing are other complaints registered by patients, who endure this condition. In serious cases, the nails and lips tend to become blue. 

☛ Candida Lung Infection
Candida lung infection can cause the development of flu and pneumonia-like symptoms in the infected person. Some of the symptoms of candida lung infection are cold, cough, and fatigue. Sometimes, mucus is discharged while coughing. Some people may also experience muscular pain due to candida infection. Along with these, headache, shortness of breath, and runny nose may also be observed.

☛ Other Noted Symptoms
Signs of lung infection that call for a doctor's attention are as follows:

  • Fever
  • Extreme shortness of breath
  • Dry cough; in some cases, productive cough
  • Change in color, thickness, and stickiness of mucus produced
  • Tightness, pressure, and pain in chest that worsens when one breathes deeply, or coughs
What You Can Do

» Using humidifiers is an effective way to combat the symptoms of a lung infection. Warm, misty air emitted by the humidifier helps in loosening the sputum, thereby helping the body cope with the infection better.
» A hot bath, or indulging in a warm soak helps the body to recover soon. Besides, a steam enhanced with a drizzle of eucalyptus oil helps clear the blockage and aids to you breathe normally.
» A hot compress is also helpful in eliminating the sputum by loosening it, thereby helping one to get rid of the congestion.
» Drink warm water. Besides loosening the sputum buildup, it also aids in relieving the respiratory tract. Herbal teas and clear soups serve the purpose, too.
» Garlic is one home remedy that a lot of people swear by. Mashing a clove of garlic and draining it down with a glass of water before going off to bed, perhaps is the most effective panacea to deal with an infection.
» Another remedy siphoned from the spice jar is the use of pepper, cloves, and ginger. Ginger powder mixed with finely grounded pepper and cloves may be consumed on a regular basis to fight the infection. Besides, a few drops of ginger juice extracted from its pulp added to honey makes for an effective syrup; it ought to be consumed before bedtime for an undisturbed sleep.
» Stop smoking, if you haven't. It will help you get better, sooner.
» Bask in ample rest. Your body may feel exhausted as it may have used up all its reserves to get the system back on track. Rest helps replenish your reserves.
» Breathe right. Deep breathing exercises work well to improve the blood flow. Abdominal breathing prevents the lungs from infection. Besides, it relaxes the body, mind and soul, creating a systemic equilibrium.
» Avoid lifting heavy weights, or objects. Doing so, would lead to unnecessary straining of the chest, resulting in pain and discomfort.

It is advised that you seek medical aid without any delay, especially when home remedies are not working as expected in your case.

Read more at Buzzle:


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